European Union has launched different programs worldwide to achieve the specific objectives from 2021 to 2027. EU has defined its goals in each program through dialogues with the UN, member states, partner countries, civil society organizations, local authorities, women & youth organizations, the private sector, and other donors. EU also defines the financial allocation, outcomes, and indicators for the EU intervention. Pakistan is among the twenty-four countries selected for MIPs in Asia and the Pacific region.
Pakistan and European Union have set up a Multi-Annual Program Indicative Program (MIP) on 4th August 2022. The first grant is 265 million Euros for 2021-2024. Grant is decided in a meeting between Dr. Riina Kionka, the ambassador of the EU to Pakistan, and Ayaz Sadiq, Federal Minister of Economic Affairs. He mentioned that the EU had had cooperative relations with Pakistan since 1976. He also appraised the cooperation of the EU in the current flood situation.
EU Ambassador assured the cooperation for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Mian Asad Hayaud Din, Secretary of the Economic Affairs Division (EAD), and Ambassador of EU Dr. Riina Kionka have signed the initial grant of 265 million Euros for MIP. This grant will help to achieve the Pakistan government’s goals under Vision 2025. The objectives of MIP are to develop, boost the European Commission’s geopolitical program (2019-2024), and raise cooperation as in Strategic Engagement Plan (2019).
EU will cooperate and monitor rural development, good governance, human rights, education, migration governance, poverty reduction through small industries, contributing to peace, security, renewable energy resources, electricity generation, and sustainable development. It will cover the most conflicted regions by targeting the welfare of women and youth. Team Europe will support the investment in those sectors that will generate green jobs like manufacturing, agriculture, R & D, and administrative positions to achieve the environmental standards. Provision of the second allocation for 2025-2027 will depend on the mid-term review of the MIP.
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