News update: – 10 January 2020, according to the recent reports from the world steel association. It shows that India is leading in steel production and replaced China as the second top steel producer.
It also shows that the global steel analysis record in its latest report noted that Chinese crude steel production increased 6.6 percent to 928.3 million tons (MT) in 2018 from 870.9 MT in 2017. China rose from 50.3 percent in 2017 to 51.3 percent in 2018.
While the World Steel Association word-wide known and it is one of the trade associations in the world. WSA followers signify around 85% of world steel production, including over 160 steel producers with 9 of the 10 largest steel companies, national and regional associations of the steel industry and steel research institutes.
Furthermore, in a new report issued recently shows that total India’s crude steel production in 2018 was 106.5 tons, an increase of 4.9 percent from 101.5 tons in 2017, which means that India swapped Japan as the second main producing country as per steel production.
In addition, what others are in the top 10 steel-producing countries. The list comprises the United States, at the 4th position as the country, produced 86.7 MT of crude steel in 2018, South Korea (72.5 MT, 5th place), Russia (71.7 MT, 6th), Germany (42.4 MT, 7th), Turkey (37.3 MT, 8th), Brazil (34.7 MT, 9th) and Iran (25 MT, 10th). Between additional republics is Italy as it produced 24.5 MT of crude steel in 2018, France (15.4 MT) and Spain (14.3 MT), Ukraine (21.1 MT).
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