Hi everyone, my name is Haseeb Muhammad from Kamraj Enterprises. For those of you that do not know, we’re an indenting/trading firm for steel commodities located in Pakistan. We bring out this special message today to generate awareness for the current economic challenges we’re facing due to COVID-19 aka the coronavirus.
Our first request is to the suppliers across the globe to really be aware of the circumstances that your buyers are currently facing which have made it difficult to make payments on time. The industry is interdependent and therefore circulation of payment is necessary to clear material from the port of discharge. Please understand this scenario and help the buyers by either delaying shipments or requesting additional free days at the port of discharge. Show patience with your buyers.
Our second message is for the buyers who need to understand their supplier’s scenario. Suppliers purchase material based on your confirmation and therefore it is very unfair to back out of contracts and leave the suppliers stranded with the material they have specifically purchased for you. We understand that times are tough and we need to come together collectively and work out solutions to sustain a good economic balance & better relationships.
Our third request is to our port authorities & shipping lines to cooperate with its citizens to waive detention & demurrage charges to help us get through this turmoil.
Last but not the least, MDI should not be charged for the number of days electricity has not been utilized. Mill owners have had to force shut down to prevent the virus from spreading, Billing should only be issued after taking out the MDI
We hope that our message promotes a positive environment in our community.
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